Welcome to this website, owned and operated by Blingpockets. These are the terms of service that regulate and govern your use of our website. You agree to adhere by all these terms and conditions of use (as well as all other conditions, notices, tools, services and policies referenced herein and/or available by hyperlink) anytime you access, shop on, browse, or otherwise use this website. You are duly advised not to use this website if you disagree in any way with any of the following terms.

Using the Blingpockets website in any way, whether for a visit, for purchasing purposes, or as a vendor/customer/merchant/browser and/or contributor of content, shall be taken to mean that you engage in our “Service” and are in full agreement to be bound legally by these terms and conditions of use (also referred to as “terms of service”, “terms and conditions” and/or “terms”).

We may choose to change, alter, completely delete, partially delete or add to these terms based solely on our discretion at any time without prior notice to users. Revised terms will be effective immediately upon our posting of it and any use of the Blingpockets website after such changes are uploaded will be deemed your agreement to continue to be legally bound by this agreement. You agree and consent that these terms and conditions of use shall also automatically apply to all new features or tools which we may subsequently add to the current store.

Please note that our store is hosted on Shopify Inc, a corporation which provides us with the online e-commerce platform that makes it possible for us to sell our products and services to users.



These terms are fully applicable to all users of the website, whether such users are visitors, customers, vendors, merchants, and/ or contributors of content.

We grant all eligible users a limited, reversible, non-exclusive, non-assignable, non-sub licensable license to access and use this website in compliance with these terms and conditions. You however understand and fully agree that we reserve the absolute right to refuse service at any time and for any reason to any user, at our sole discretion only.

The copyright in all the materials found on this website is held by . Users are Blingpockets permitted to download and copy the materials on our website for both personal and non-personal commercial use, as long as such materials are not changed and/or modified and on the condition that users maintain all copyright and proprietary notices that are in such materials. This permission is automatically terminated should you violate any of these terms or conditions.

You are prohibited from replicating, dispersing, republishing, displaying, dispatching or transmitting any of our content in any form or by any means, counting but not limited to electronic recording, photocopying, automation, or in any other form or way without Blingpockets express written permission.

You must not communicate or endeavor to communicate any worms, Trojans or viruses or any code of a damaging nature over and through the Blingpockets network. You may not use Blingpockets products for any unlawful or illegal purpose; and you are not to violate any laws in your jurisdiction/geographic location in the course of your use of the Blingpockets website.

You understand and accept that your content (excluding your credit card information), may be transferred unencrypted over several networks; and may be altered or modified to conform to the technical necessities of connecting devices or networks.

We will terminate your access to our website immediately if you are discovered to be in violation of any of these terms.



We make no representation and will therefore bear no liability towards you or any other third party if information found on this website is incomplete, inaccurate or outdated. We provide all materials on this website for general information purposes only and such information should not be relied upon exclusively or used as the sole reason for taking actions or inactions. All users rely on the provided materials on this website at their own risk.

This website may contain certain historical information. You agree that such historical information is not current and is provided for reference only. While we reserve the exclusive right to modify the contents of this website at any time, we have no obligation to bring any of the information contained therein up-to-date.

Every so often, there might be data or information on our website that contains typographical errors, mistakes or exclusions related to pricing, product descriptions, offers, promotions, product shipping charges, availability and transit times. We reserve the right to redress any of such errors, mistakes or exclusions, and to change and/or update information or cancel orders if any information on the website is inaccurate at any time without giving you notice (even after you have submitted your order).

We do not make any promises to refresh, revise or clarify information in our service or on any related site, including without limitation, pricing information, except as required by law.



We may change/alter the prices for Issey Blingpockets products at any time without prior notice. We also reserve the right and may exercise such at any time to alter or discontinue all or part of Blingpockets Service without prior notice at any time. Under no circumstances will we bear liability to you or to any third-party for any alterations, price change, suspension or termination of the Service.



You must be a minimum of 18 years old (or at the very least the age of majority where you reside), and must have the ability to form legally binding contracts to be able to use our website. You may under no circumstances whatsoever use our products for any illegal or unlawful purpose and under no circumstances are you permitted to violate any laws in your jurisdiction, including without limitation copyright laws.



As a user, you must not attempt to gain unapproved access to or incapacitate any portion of our website and its related systems.

You must not attempt to cripple our website by deliberately introducing viruses, logic bombs, Trojans, worms, or any other injurious or technologically malevolent software.

You are not to in any way attempt to gain unapproved access to our website, Blingpockets host server, or any other server, computer or database connected to our website.

You must not remove any trademark, copyright or other proprietary notices from any part of our website; and are prohibited from linking to, mirroring, or framing any part of our website and services.

You may not use information gathered from our website to contact organizations or people for the purpose of marketing your or other persons’ business.

Users are not allowed to download or modify our website, or any portion of it, except with the written consent of Blingpockets. This limited sub-license granted to our users does not permit the commercial use or resale of the Blingpockets website and/or its contents; any copied use of our website and/or its contents; and/or any unofficial collection and/or use of any product descriptions, listings, or prices.

You are expressly prohibited from copying or downloading any account information for the use of another merchant or website; and from reproducing, duplicating, copying, selling, or otherwise exploiting this website for any money-making reasons without our prior written consent.

You may not in any way use data mining robots or other similar data extraction tools on the Blingpockets website.

You may not disperse or spread material that encourages criminal conduct or that results in civil liability; make, transmit or store electronic copies of any materials that are protected by copyright without the owner’s permission; gain unauthorized entry to other computer systems; and/or interfere or disrupt websites or networks connected to the website.

As a user, you are not to breach any relevant laws; and/or utilize framing techniques to encircle any logo, copyright, trademark, or other proprietary information of the website or of Blingpockets and its affiliates without written consent; disrupt any other person's use of the website; and/or disseminate any unlawful, harassing, libelous, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene, or otherwise objectionable material.

Every user is solely responsible for his/her activities and conduct on Blingpockets, including but not limited to all text, usernames and passwords, data, graphics, images, photographs, video, audio, and links uploaded, displayed, and posted on the website.

If we discover you to be in the breach of any of these terms, we will automatically terminate the license and permission granted you by 
Blingpockets to use this website.



Except otherwise expressly stated, all materials, including graphics, pictures, designs, pictures, icons, video clips, written materials and every other material found on this website are copyrighted, trademarked, controlled or licensed by Blingpockets, its associates or by their respective creators. All such materials are protected by UAE laws and international copyright laws.

Blingpockets, our website, logos, page headers, button icons, scripts, and service names included in or provided through the website are trademarks or trade dress of Blingpockets in UAE Sharjah and other countries.  

You may not use Blingpockets intellectual property or that of third parties for any purposes whatsoever, without Blingpockets prior written consent.

You agree that Blingpockets may claim damages against you, which may include (without limitation) the right to claim indirect, incidental, consequential or special damages should you breach the terms of this clause.  



We offer for sale some products and services that are made available to the public exclusively online through the Blingpockets website. You understand and accept that the limited quantities status of these products or services mean that they can only be returned or exchanged as per our Return Policy.

We have tried to display the colors of the products that appear on the Blingpockets website as accurately as is possible. However, there may be a difference in the colors that you see on your monitor/device and the color of actual products, depending on your monitor’s ability to accurately communicate color. Blingpockets will not be held liable for differences between monitor color and actual color of product.

Using our sole discretion, we may change the descriptions and/or pricing of products at any time without notice. We also reserve all rights to stop/discontinue the sale of any product at any time.

We have the right, and not the obligation, on a case-by-case basis to restrict the sales of our products or Services whether to an individual, or to a geographic region or jurisdiction. We also reserve the full rights to limit the quantities of any products or services that we offer.

We reserve all rights to refuse any order placed with us, and may limit or cancel quantities purchased per individual, per family or per order. These limitations may include orders placed using the same credit card, by or under the same customer account, and/or orders that use the same billing and/or shipping address. Should we make a change to or cancel an order, we will inform you of such changes/cancellation via email or any other address that you provided at the time of order. We may limit or out rightly cancel orders which appear to be placed by resellers, dealers or distributors.

We do not represent in any way that the quality of any products, information, services, or other material acquired or purchased by you will meet your expectations, or that any errors in the Blingpockets Service will be corrected.



You must provide only current, complete and truthful purchase and account information for all the purchases that you make at our store, and hereby agree to immediately update your account information, as well as your email address, credit card numbers and expiration dates when they change, in order for us to complete your transactions promptly and contact you as needed.



Links contained in Blingpockets website may lead to website not under the control of Blingpockets. We are not responsible or legally liable for the contents or resources found on a linked website. You agree that the links provided on Blingpockets website are provided only as a matter of convenience and their provision through our website does not in any way infer endorsement by  Blingpockets of any such linked site. You access any linked websites/app/resources at your own risk.

We may also make available for your convenience access to third-party tools not under our control. You accept that we provide access to these third-party tools “as available” and “as is” without any representations and without any endorsement. You agree that you access any linked third-party tools/resources at your own risk.

We advise that you familiarize yourself with third party policies and terms before accessing their websites and tools.



We have made provisions for Blingpockets users to upload comments on the website. You hereby represent that you are the only and sole proprietor of all and any user content that you post. Otherwise, you must have all rights, releases, approvals, and licenses required and necessary to grant Blingpockets the license to any third-party user content. You guarantee that your user content will not infringe upon, disrespect or misuse a third party’s exclusive rights, or rights of privacy or publicity, or result in the breach of any applicable law, ordinance or regulation.

Any user content that you make available remains your property, but when you provide such user content to Blingpockets, you grant us an unending, irrevocable, universal, transferrable, and royalty-free license, with full rights to sub-license, duplicate, modify, make derivative works of, openly show, publicly perform, allocate, and to otherwise use your provided user content without further consent from or notice to you, and without the need to reimburse you or any other person or entity.

We are not in any way obligated to do so, but we may choose to monitor, remove or edit content that we using our sole discretion find to be illegal, offensive, intimidating, slanderous, defamatory, pornographic, obscene or that violates any party’s intellectual property or these Terms and conditions of use.

You are prohibited from using a false e-mail address, pretending to be someone that you are not, or otherwise misleading us or third-parties as to the origin of your comments.

You are solely and fully legally responsible for the accuracy and legality of any comments you make, and we take no responsibility and will not be liable for any comments posted by you or any third-party.



This website, our products and our service are offered as available and as is, without any representation, warranties or guarantees of any form, whether direct or implied, of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, durability, and non-infringement. We do not make any representation that your use of the service will be uninterrupted, timely, safe or error-free.

We do not give any assurances as per the accuracy or reliability of the results that you may obtain from your use of the service. We may occasionally remove the service for extended periods of time or choose to outrightly cancel the service, without prior notice to you.

Your use of or your inability to use the service, is therefore at your sole risk.

We do not represent or assure that the results that may be obtained from using the service will be accurate or dependable. You agree that we may occasionally remove the service for indefinite periods of time or otherwise choose to cancel the service at any time, without any notice to you. You fully agree and admit that your use of, or your inability thereof to use, the service is at your sole risk.

Under no circumstances shall Blingpockets, its directors, officers, staffs, associates, agents, interns, suppliers, contractors, service providers or licensors bear liability for any injury, loss, hurt, or any direct, indirect, special, incidental, punitive, or any consequential damages of any kind, including, but not limited to loss of profit, revenue, savings, and data of replacement  costs, or any comparable damages, whether based in contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise, whether arising from your use of our service or from the procurement of any products using the service, or for other claims connected in any way to your use of the service or any product, including without limitation any omissions or errors in any content, or as a result of any loss or damage that you may encounter via the use of the service or any product/content posted or otherwise made available through the service, even if Blingpockets has been advised of their possibility.

Nothing included/embedded in these terms of service is included therein with the intention to exclude or restrict any legal responsibility for injury or death arising from our carelessness or deception, or from any other liability which may not be limited or exempted by law, or that is directed at inhibiting your statutory rights as a consumer.

If certain relevant law does not allow/permit the limitation of liability as set forth above, you will not be subjected to this limitation of liability.



You hereby affirm that you will shield, indemnify and hold Blingpockets as well as its directors, officers, staffs, associates, agents, interns, suppliers, contractors, service providers or licensors blameless against all and any claims, fees and expenses (including but not limited to attorney costs), and all damages as it relates to your use of the website.



If any portion of this agreement is found to be unenforceable, the residual portion of this agreement will remain in full effect and force. You agree that our failure to enforce any part of this agreement will not be considered a waiver, as any amendment to or waiver of this agreement in full or in part must be made in writing and must be duly signed by us.



This document represents the complete and full agreement between the user and Blingpockets.



These terms of use are in all respects interpreted and therefore governed by the laws of UAE.  All claims, disputes, or cause of action arising out of this agreement/terms will be settled exclusively in the UAE’ court system. You fully agree to submit to the jurisdiction of its courts for the purpose of litigating all such claims.



Your continued use of the Blingpockets website, following any notice of the changes and modifications to our terms and policies shall be deemed your acceptance of the modified terms and policies.


We will first inform/notify you by email if you violate any terms of this agreement or create possible legal risk or exposure for us, and may stop providing all or part of Blingpockets to you.

You may also decide to stop using the website by yourself, and may delete your account (if any) or disable your application (if applicable) at any time.